I arrived two days ago to this incredible Indonesian island. In fact I came here because I missed surf and I found bad news, the weather was horrible. I arrived Kuta and the landscape was distressing. I can't upload the video because the internet connection is very bad.
Al principio me dio muchisimo coraje. Nada de surf, viento horrible y agua asquerosa. Luego empece a pensar en las casas que estaba viendo por alli, en Bali y la gente que vive en ellas. Lluvias torrenciales estos dias... De repente senti verwenza de ser tan egoista. Busque en internet y ahi estaba la noticia. En la vecina isla de Java han muerto mas de 80 presonas a causa de las avalanchas de tierra producidas por las lluvias torrenciales. Y yo me quejo de no poder surfear en Bali. Desde luego, tengo mucho que aprender todavia.
I was very upset at the beginning. No surf, horrible wind and disgusting water. After a while i started to think about the houses around there in Bali and the people who lives inside them. Torrential rains these days... Suddenly I felt very ashamed of being that selfish. I searched on the internet and I found the new. In the nearby island of Java more than 80 people died because of the earth avalanches produced by the torrential rains. And I complain because I can't surf in Bali. Obviously, i have a lot to learn yet.
Decidi poner rumbo a la ciudad de Ubud. Es la capital cultural de Bali y se ofrecen cursos de todo tipo: batik, cocina balinesa, pintura, talla de madera, baile y musica balinesas... Todo precioso... pero nada por menos de 15 euros la hora de clase. Vale mas la pena pasearse y observar.
I decided to go to Ubud. Is the cultural capital of Bali and any kind of courses are offered: batik, Balinese cooking, painting, woodcarving, Balinese dance and music... Everything lovely... but nothing less than 15 euros per hour of course. Is better walking and have a look.
La gente en Bali es muy amable y todo el mundo te saluda por la calle, pero tambien agobian mucho ofreciendote masajes, manicuras, transporte, habitacion... sobre todo en la zona de Kuta, que es la mas turistica.
People in Bali is very nice and everybody says hello to you walking by the street, but they also overwhelm you a lot offering massages, manicure, transport, a room... specially around Kuta, which is the most turist zone.
La gente es muy religiosa y puedes ver ofrendas a cada dos pasos. Las ponen en el suelo delante de sus casas o comercios. Ponen flores, comida, incienso.... Las he visto hasta con cigarrillos y galletas! La religion en Bali es muy especial. Antes eran hinduistas, ahora practican una extrania forma de religion muy particular en la que mezclan sus raices hinduistas con animismo.
People is very religious and you can see gifts every two meters. They put them in the floor in front of their houses or businesses . They put flowers, food, incense... I've even seen cigarettes and crackers! Religion in Bali is very special. They used to practice Hinduism, now they practice an strange and particular form of religion in wich they mix their roots form Hinduism with animism.
Anoche estuve en una actuacion de baile tipico de la isla, una maravilla de colores, musica y belleza.
Yesterday night I was in a typical island dance show, wonderful colours, music and beauty.
Creo que volvere al sur para pasar el fin de anio con mi amiga Ane, que conoci en Reunion hace unos meses y vive aqui, y luego... ya veremos! Va a ser gracioso cuando la vea!
I think I'll come back to the south to spend the New Years Eve with my friend Ane, that I knew at Reunion and now lives here, and after that... we'll see! It's going to be funny to see her!
Besos y hasta pronto\
!Kisses and see you soon!